Wednesday, 30 September 2015


Well it's been a loooooong while since I updated this. I plan to do so soon busy working on loads of projects.

Hoping to put up some projects soon ❤️

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Back to Reality

Started a new brief on Monday...

Its a project on the value of Public Space.  I am to come up with a campaign bringing to light public spaces in Limerick City.

So far I've started off with my research and thought I'd share some of what I came across.


So above we have the launch of a new car in 2012

These are two of my fav's 
These are 'Smart billboards for smart cities' IBM
These not only catch the eye, 
they also serve a physical purpose 
and serve the purpose of advertising
This was done in France  

The artist responsible for this felt the Times Square Bull needed a sweater

These guys i believe are in Toronto and they are Genius!

This last one is very very disturbing 
but I really do think this is a very clever public awareness campaign 
for childrens' water safety

And this would be me rolling down that hill

The History of Typography - Animated Short

Saturday, 20 April 2013

State of the Nation Alphabet

Planning to upload some pics of the most recent work and then updating this blog :) but for now since I'm on the oul phone poca il put up a few pic's now of some of my 'n's